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Wir wollen unseren Blog dazu nutzen euch einige der Refugees, die finanzielle Wohnraumunterstützung von KommRin beziehen, vorzustellen. Denn für uns gilt, der Einzelfall zählt. Hinter jeder Person steckt eine eigene Geschichte. Die Angaben und ob Namen, Kürzel oder Pseudonyme verwendet werden, wurde nicht von uns, sondern von den Personen selbst entschieden.

Den Anfang macht Ahmed. Für ihn als politischer Künstler bildet das Internet und in diesem Fall auch unsere Reichweite eine Plattform für seine Arbeiten.


„I am a graphic designer and photographer with more than seven years
experience in art, cultural management, and media production. After I
graduated from physics faculty I started my career in the media field in
addition to doing art as participation in political and social life. I
moved to Egypt and there I studied photography and graphic design. After
working as a freelancer and then a stable job as public relation manager in
a cultural center. Mainly my job was promoting contemporary African art.
during that, I created a campaign called ArtVswar. The campaign aimed to
address art as a better tool for development and peacebuilding. I left my
homeland to Europe as an asylum seeker when the situation got politically
worse. during my past life, I had experience as journalist photographer,
reporter, English teacher and of course graphic designer and cultural

I am now an asylum seeker without permission of work. But I have
gladly been accepted as a student at the Art school Weissensee in the
visual communication department. So it needs me to work hard for living and
to keep developing myself.“

Ahmeds Graphiken und Fotographien könnt ihr auf seinem Blog folgen: http://ahmedisamaldin.blogspot.de

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